- Is there a genetic cause?
- Is there a contract?
- Is there a contract with a person?
- Is forgiveness needed?
- Is release of anger needed?
- Is there a mental disorder?
- Is there a spiritual issue?
- Is a chakra out of alignment?
- Is a professional needed?
- Is a homeopathic remedy needed?
- Is there a stone that would help?
- Are there entities?
- Are there entities with foundations?
- Is there a foundation?
- Is there an emotion?
- Is there an organ to be aligned?
- Is there a gland to be aligned?
- Is there a system to be aligned?
- Is there a meridian to be aligned?
- Is there a combination to be aligned?
- Is there a combination with a foundation?
- Is there a past life effect on an organ?
- Is there a past life effect on a gland?
- Is there a past life effect on a system?
- Is there a past life effect on a combination?
- Is there healing of a DNA layer needed?
- Is there a correction of the Akash DNA needed?
- Is there a person?
- Is there an event?
- Is there a source?
- Is the Master Healer needed?
- Are there soul pieces to be retrieved?
- Is there balancing needed of body, mind, and spirit?
- Are there thought forms?
- Are there past life effects?
- Is there a seed?
- Is there a grid?
- Is there a grid on a body part?
- Are there energetic hierarchies that need aligned?
- Are there fragments left in energetic hierarchies?
- Are there twisted energetic hierarchies?
- Are there intersecting energetic hierarchies?
- Are beings spread across energetic hierarchies?
- Are body parts at a lower energetic hierarchies?
- IsĀ a color needed on a body part?
- Is a cross involved?
- Is a body part entangled?
- Are there strictures?
- Is energetic hierarchy movement involved?
- Is a ray involved?
- Is there a recursive holographic thought form involved?
- Is there a sacred geometry object needed?
- Is a Key of Enoch needed?
- Are there damaged coding triplet(s)?
- Is a codon ring enhancement needed?
- Is alignment of body with grid needed?
- Are the energetic hierarchies separated?
- Is alignment of light body needed?
- Is an essential oil needed?
- Is a sound needed?
- Are there blocks to ascension?
- Is self repair needed?
- Are there blocks to manifesting the totality of life purpose?
- Are there blocks to miracles?
- Is there a magnetic polarity issue?
- Is there a block to the flow of energy?
- Is magnetic energy needed?
- Is braiding of body part(s) needed?
- Is braiding of past lives needed?
- Is the next energetic enhancement needed?
- Is braiding of I Ching patterns needed?
- Is braiding of mandalas into body part(s) needed?
- Are stem cells in body part(s) needed?
- Is braiding of future lives needed?
- Is braiding of current lives needed?
- Is a tone needed?
- Is a codon, Solfeggio frequency, and Hebrew letter needed?
- Is polarity adjustment of body part(s) needed?
- Is release of discordant energy needed?
- Is balance of yin or yang of body part(s) needed?
- Is fractal pattern infusion of body part(s) needed?
- Is electron entanglement involved?
- Is transformation of body part(s) needed?
- Is adjustment of pineal gland needed?